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DOA Hang Dong

Siriporn Jarintorn

Nutty, Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Marshmallow, Powdery, Lime, Green Apple, Resinous, Phenol-Like, Orange
because we love coffee

About Farm

Crafted amidst diverse elevations, our exceptional coffee beans undergo a journey of meticulous cultivation, harvesting, and processing, culminating in a richly nuanced flavor profile. Each bean, nurtured with care, reflects the unique terroir and artisanal techniques employed.

Cupping Score Average

about farm

DOA Hang Dong

The Royal Agricultural Research Center, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai many coffee initiated several development projects in Thailand. The center is managed by the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives. Since the first visit of His His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1980, this research center became the first experimental farm and coffee nursery center in the North.
because we love coffee

About Coffee

The meticulous planting methods employed, coupled with the specific coffee strain and origin of production, intricately influence the nuanced taste profile of the coffee.